Shrimp Egg Bakes!

Hello Gastronauts,

As promised, our CSA has started back up! Week 1 of Spring CSA is here:


100% organic kale, beets, radishes, green onions, lemons, cilantro and assorted salad mixture.

I excitedly jumped right into cooking this stuff up! So here are the recipes for garlic kale and shrimp egg bake, and (for the non-kale lovers) radish and shrimp egg bake.

KALE – if you’re like me you totally understand the nutritional value of kale but you struggle to find enough new recipes to keep you excited about eating it week after week. Hopefully, you will try out this breakfast or brunch idea and find a new way to eat kale in your home!

INGREDIENTS – kale (4 leaves including stems), 1 green onion (leaves and bulb), crushed garlic (1 tablespoon), olive oil, shrimp (pre-cooked, medium sized), 2 eggs (preferably farm fresh), milk, salt, pepper, breadcrumbs, and your favorite cheese (shredded.)

STEP ONE – cook the kale

Chop the kale into semi-bite sized pieces (I say semi because the kale will cook down and become smaller.) Place in pan with garlic, olive oil, and chopped green onion. Cook on medium heat until mildly wilted. Do not burn or let it become crispy.

cooked kale

STEP TWO -Transfer to mixing bowl and add shrimp. Add salt and pepper to mixture as desired.

add shrimp

(Ignore my Snap Chat captions LOL)

STEP THREE – grease ramekin or baking dish. You won’t need a very big one, this is going to make a personal pan pizza size serving 🙂

Add contents to the ramekin.

In separate bowl beat 2 eggs. Add milk. Then pour the eggs/milk combo into the ramekin.

combined with eggs

STEP FOUR – top with breadcrumbs and shredded cheese (I used fontina.)


add cheese and breadcrumbs

( I will get to the minis shortly!)

STEP FIVE – Cook at 375 Fahrenheit (°F) for 25 minutes (uncovered.) Then broil for 5 minutes to make the cheese and breadcrumbs extra crispy.

finished big

STEP SIX – top with cilantro and serve warm.

Okay what to do if you have someone in your house who is not a fan of kale? Substitute radishes for kale! (If they don’t like radishes, maybe just no vegetables at all.)

non kale prep

Pictured are mini ramekins with shrimp (cooked), sliced radishes, and chopped green onion. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Follow the same cooking instructions as above.

finished minis

Garnish with cilantro and a few more radishes.

And that’s it! Enjoy!!

finished both


  • Susannah 🙂

Instagram – @sdgastronaut



30 Minute Dinner – BBQ Salmon in Pesto Sauce and Asparagus!

Hello Blogosphere!

Today’s post features a quick and easy dinner that is perfect for warm summer nights. In our house we’ve been trying to eat a bit healthier – which can often be boring. As a result I am constantly looking for new ideas/recipes/dishes that are healthy yet yummy. That’s where this dinner comes from.

ONE – FISH  – they say it’s better for you that hamburgers and pizza, sigh.

TWO – ASPARAGUS – what’s that about mom always telling you to eat your vegetables?

THREE- PESTO – because apparently drowning everything in butter is frowned upon.


Let’s get started-


  1. Salmon – 1 piece per person.
  2. Asparagus – handful/bunch per person – between 5-8 spears.
  3. Olive oil, salt and pepper.
  4. Pesto – store bought is fine but to make at home you’ll need- basil leaves (approximately 1 fist size bunch per person), pine nuts, olive oil, salt, pepper, parmesan cheese.


Turn on the BBQ- all BBQs very so be sure and know how long yours takes to heat up and budget accordingly. Prep on this meal is 5 minutes with store bought pesto and 20 with homemade.


Make the pesto (or skip to step three if using store bought.) In a food processor or blender combine the basil, olive oil, pine nuts and cheese and pulse until blended to desired texture. If the leaves will not blend add more olive oil or some (NOT A LOT) water. Add salt and pepper to taste.


Assembly! On a largish piece of tinfoil, place asparagus spears in a line/bunch. Drizzle with olive oil and a bit of salt and pepper. Place piece of fish over the asparagus.

(* I cooked mine salmon skin on. It’s not required. The fish will be tender enough to easily remove the skin when it’s done cooking.)

Spread the pesto on the fish. Sprinkle with cheese.



Close/wrap tinfoil to close. Don’t press down so hard that the pesto all crams onto the tinfoil and doesn’t stay on the fish.


Cook in closed BBQ for 25 minutes.


salmon 2

Delightful 🙂