Watermelon Aqua Fresca (Martinis!)

Hi Guys,

Happy Spring!!! Our garden is blooming and the sun is shining! It’s a great season to live in San Diego. I am really excited to cook through a ton of recipes I’ve saved, and with produce grown in my own backyard. I’m even more excited to share them here. I hope you enjoy!

To get started, have you ever tried watermelon aqua fresca? If not, you’re not alone, my boyfriend had never had it either. It’s a wonderful treat, especially on a hot day. It’s pretty easy to make, and has none of the preservatives you’ll find in store bought bottled juice.

What you’ll need:

  • Watermelon – preferably seedless
  • Limes- at least 4-5
  • Sugar – 1/2 cup
  • Water – to taste
  • Mint- 2-3 sprigs
  • Honey – optional – to taste

Step One – Melon

Slice the watermelon into medium sized pieces. Remove the rinds and set aside. Cut remaining fruit into smaller pieces (in order to more easily place them into the food processor or blender.)

whole melon cut melon without rinds discarded rinds

Step Two – Blend

Every recipe I’ve read for this calls for blending of the melon in a blender, but I do not own one. I’ve got a food processor and a magic bullet. While I LOVE my magic bullet, it’s really made for smaller portions (i.e. a salad dressing, one cocktail etc.) so I decided to improvise and make this in the food processor.

It did work, but word of caution, if you fill it with too much, it will leak and send watermelon juice flying around your entire kitchen! So if using a food processor take it in steps, blending small amounts of watermelon at a time. It’s slow, but worth not having to mop your kitchen!

Put pieces of watermelon into the food processor with some water and blend thoroughly. This should be a watery puree, there should not be actual chunks of melon left. Pour into bowl or large pitcher. Repeat until all watermelon is used.

in fp blended in bowl

If your puree is too thick (it should be a juice) add water until it reaches its desired thickness.

Step Three- Make it sweet!

Add sugar and honey to taste. This is really where you get to decide how sweet you want your drink to be. Start small and add in small increments to desired sweetness.

Step Four – Make it sour!

Now it’s time to add your citrus. I made mine with limes, but I imagine lemons, oranges and grapefruit would make an excellent accent as well.

lime sliced limes limes in bowl

^^ I added the slices to garnish but also squeezed 2 medium sized limes into the mixture.

Yes my limes are yellow! The lime tree we have in the backyard is crazy plentiful and drops limes every day. In googling the internet I found out that only a few types of limes are green and the majority are actual yellow when the ripen. Who knew!?

Step Five- Add the mint!

This is pretty simple, add a few sprigs of mint.

mint mint in bowl

Step Six- Let it chill!

Let the mixture sit over night in the fridge so that all the citrus and mint have a chance to “marinade”.

Step Seven – Serve it up!

You can serve it virgin with some mint ice sticks, or you can add some tequila and salt the rim of your favorite cocktail glass and made a margarita!


Watermelon – store bought.

Limes and mint – grown in our backyard.


5 Minute Post! – Salmon,bacon,potato hash, served with a fried egg and a blood Mary.

Hi Guys,

Happy Weekend!

I just wanted to quickly share today’s brunch with you guys. I didn’t get a chance to photograph each stage because I was too busy thinking about eating it, I forgot to think about blogging it. In fact, this happens to me a lot. So I think going forward I’ll post 1 recipe a week, that may not have been planned for the blog, but ended up coming out so good I had to share. These will be my 5 minute posts!

Hope you enjoy!

Step One- the Hash!

Ingredients- potatoes, bacon, salmon, onions, salt, pepper, cumin and paprika.

  • Dice up any potatoes you have on hand, red, russet, sweet – you name it! (In a pinch a frozen hash browns can be used, simply heat them up and break them apart to small pieces. ) Set potatoes aside.
  • Dice up 3 slices of bacon into small pieces. In a skillet cook the 3 chopped up pieces of bacon, and 1 intact piece of bacon medium heat.
  • When the bacon is 1/2 way cooked, set the intact slice aside and add the potatoes and spices listed above to the pan with the diced bacon. Mixing all ingredients together, continue to cook on medium heat.
  • Salmon- For this hash the salmon needs to already be cooked. I had cooked the salmon the night before (let me know if you want that recipe.) Flake the salmon into little pieces and add it to the mixture, continue to heat on medium heat.
  • Add cream cheese or shredded mozzarella cheese as desired.
  • When the hash is done, remove from pan and set aside. Do not allow pan to cool.

Step Two – Fry your egg!

  • Turn the heat up to high and then fry your egg.
  • Serve the hash, with the egg on top, and sprinkle the plate with dill.

Step Three- Make your drink!

I served this meal up with a bloody Mary complete with a celery, olive, onion and bacon garnish. That’s right! Remember you 1 slice of intact bacon? Well add it to your bloody Mary for the tastiest garnish there is.



Bacon and Corn Waffles

Hey Guys! I hope you enjoy this sweet and savory recipe suggestion. I took my inspiration 100% from this recipe here:


The main difference being, of course, that I made waffles instead of pancakes. Why? A. I suck at making pancakes and B. I really really like waffles 🙂

Let’s get started-


8 slices bacon, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
1/3 cup finely chopped sweet onion
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2/3 cup milk
1 large egg, beaten
1 tablespoon canola or vegetable oil
1 cup frozen, canned or fresh corn
warm maple syrup, for serving

** I used my favorite waffle mix from Trader Joe’s. You will of course need whatever ingredients your waffles or pancakes call for in addition to the above listed ingredients. **



1. In a medium skillet, cook the bacon pieces until they begin to brown. Add the onion and corn and continue to cook until the bacon is crisp and the onion is softened. To add some flavor feel free to add garlic, cayenne pepper and/or chives. Scoop out a heaping tablespoon of the bacon mixture for topping the griddle cakes upon serving- and set it aside.

in pan

2. While the bacon is cooking, combine the waffle mix, salt and pepper in a medium bowl. Stir in the milk, egg and oil, just until moistened. Stir in the bacon mixture, corn and onion mixture (minus the portion you set aside.) The mixture will be thick. If you’d like the waffles to be slightly thinner, add a little more milk to thin out the batter.

mix batter

add guts

mix again

3. Heat your waffle maker and use as directed. The mixture should make at least 4 large waffles, depending on the size of your waffle maker and how thick you like your waffles.


cut waffles

inside of waffle

4. Serve stacks of waffles topped with a sprinkle of the reserved bacon/onion/corn and a good dose of warm maple syrup.


with guts and syrup


Happy Eating 🙂