Simon and Garfunkel Potatoes

Hello Gastronauts!

Happy Sunday !! Just wanted to share a quick recipe from this morning. I call it my Simon and Garfunkel potatoes. Why? Because I cook them with Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme (duh!)

Just cut up a mixture of golden and red skinned potatoes into bite sized pieces. Transfer them to a medium sized pan and add your seasonings: salt, pepper, sage, rosemary, parsley and thyme. (I used all dry spices.) Add olive oil. Mix until all potatoes are evenly coated. Then heat on medium to high heat stirring so they do not burn. Cook until tender and the skins are crispy (as desired.) Serve with fresh rosemary sprinkled on top.


I served these up with some Dr. Ben Carson Fruit Salad of Your Life (oranges, pears, and apples mixed with agave syrup drizzled on top.)

Taters and Fruit





Happy Memorial Day Weekend!


I hope you are all as lucky as I am to be afforded a long 3 day weekend off from work! This weekend is meant to be one of reflection, remembrance, and a bit of relaxation too. For me, the best decompression happens in the kitchen, so I plan to spend the next few days cooking up a storm while reflecting on life.

This afternoon I harvested the tomato plant in our front yard– VIOLÁ check out these bad boys!toms

Aren’t the just lovely? This calls for lasagna! Happy eating blogosphere!

– SUSANNAH cropped-child-photo.jpg

Bourbon Glazed Carrots!

Hello Fellow Gastronauts!

‘Tis the season for carrots! Well at least in this house. I love carrots! I eat them raw in salads, as snacks, feed them to my dog (true story) and they are one of my favorite side dish items to serve up. I especially love organic multi colored carrots. They are so pretty! It’s great when food becomes art, and so, today I share with you the medium of carrots.

So what’s better than carrots? CARROTS COOKED IN BOURBON! I’ve really been experimenting with cooking with booze lately. I started slow with beer- the gateway cooking booze, stepped it up to wine, and have finally arrived at fine liquor LOL.

Let’s get started!

Prep Time – 10 minutes  Cook Time – 30 minutes Serves- 2 people


  • 8 carrots
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup bourbon – for this dish I used Knob Creek Bourbon (gifted to us by our good friend Michaela and Neal- SHOUTOUT ALERT!) You could substitute any brown liquor i.e. whiskey, rum, etc. I would not make this recipe with other hard alcohols like vodka or tequila. I do not think the taste would be right. You could, however, make this with a nice dark beer like a porter, stout, or brown ale.
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons honey or agave

** if you want to make a non alcoholic version of this recipe substitute apple cider or apple juice for the bourbon. **


Step One – Peel your carrots and remove ends.

Step Two – Slice carrots into 4ths by slicing them once horizontally and then once vertically.

cut your carrots

Step Three- In a medium sized pot add the bourbon, water, granulated sugar and 2/3 the brown sugar into a pot. Bring to a boil.

** Note- alcohol is highly flammable so if cooking on a gas stove (aka an open flame) be careful **

Step Four– When the bourbon and sugar mixture has come to a boil, add the carrots into the pot, ensuring they are all mostly submerged into the liquid. Continue to cook for 20 minutes on medium heat. Watch the pot to ensure the mixture does not boil over.

stove cooking

Step Five – Pre-heat oven to 400°.

Step Six – When the oven is ready, remove the pot from the stove. Transfer the carrots and all the liquid into an oven safe baking dish.

Step Seven – Sprinkle remaining brown sugar and honey/agave onto carrots. Cook for 10 minutes at 400°.

in dish

with sugar

Step Eight – Remove from oven and serve while hot!



Don’t forget to follow my blog to get future updates!

– SUSANNAH cropped-child-photo.jpg