Cubra Libre!!

Cocktail Alert!!

Love a delightful Cubra Libre on a Saturday afternoon.

  1. The Cuba Libre is a highball made of cola, lime, and dark or light rum. This highball is often referred to as a Rum and Coke in the United States, Canada, the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand where the lime juice may or may not be included.
  2. Ingredients: 4 oz Cola, 1/3 oz Fresh lime juice, 1 2/3 oz White rum
  3. Preparation: Build all ingredients in a highball glass filled with ice. Garnish with lime wedge.
  4. Served: On the rocks; poured over ice
  5. Standard garnish: Lime wedge
  6. Drinkware: Highball glass

**I like to add a slice of strawberry and a sprig mint to sass it up.**


Check out Wikipedia for more information on the origins of this fabulous little cocktail.

– SUSANNAH cropped-child-photo.jpg