Moroccan Meatballs with a Curry and Tomato Rice.

I LOVE Sunday dinners!! I often try to put a little more love and effort into meals shared on a Sunday evening. I think there’s no better way to end your week (and gear up for the new week ahead) than with a happy and full belly. This weekend, I  made some Moroccan meatballs in a tomato and curry rice. It was super easy and made from fresh ingredients I had at home, vs. using store-bought rice and curry mixes that contain unknown (and unhealthy) ingredients. Check it out!

Total: 1 hour
Active: 25 min
Yield: 4 servings
Level: Easy


  • White or Jasmin Rice (uncooked)
  • Tomatoes
  • Bell Peppers
  • Meatballs (homemade or store-bought)
  • Olive Oil
  • Garlic (fresh, crushed, or powder)
  • Curry Powder
  • Turmeric
  • Dried Basil
  • Coriander
  • Cumin
  • Saffron
  • 1 Bay Leaf
  • 1 Cinnamon Stick
  • Red Wine
  • Cream or Half and Half
  • 1 Box Chicken Broth
  • Feta Cheese

Step one – cut up fresh tomatoes – any kind. I used a mixture. Cut up 2 bell peppers (I used 1 red and 1 chocolate beauty.) Add to pan with garlic powder and olive oil. Cover and cook on medium for 5 minutes.


Step Two – Remove tomato and bell peppers mixture from heat and transfer to mixing bowl. Add a bit more olive oil. Using an immersion blender to puree the mixture. If you do not have an immersion blender, this can also be done in a food processor. Return mixture to pan and stew by covering and cooking on medium heat for another 10 minutes.


Step Three – Add 2 cups uncooked rice to pan. Add 1 full box of chicken broth – I used low sodium so the rice would not be too salty. Then add your spices! I used: curry powder, dried basil, cumin, coriander, turmeric, 1 bay leaf, and 1 cinnamon stick.




Step Four – Stir well. Then cover and cook on low for 15 minutes.


Step Five – After 15 minutes, add some of your favorite red wine.


Step Six – Stir well and cover again, cooking for another 10 minutes.

At this point you want to taste test the rice. If it is softened and ready to eat you can move on to step seven. If not, continue to cook, covered, on low heat – adding minimal water as needed to soften the rice.

Step Seven – add your meatballs, saffron, and a little bit of cream – I used half and half. Mix well.


If meatballs are not warm when you add them, cover and cook mixture on medium for 5-10 minutes until meatballs are warm throughout. Be sure to stir so the rice does not stick and burn.

Step Eight – Serve with feta cheese!





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Crockpot Goodness!


I LOVE crockpot cooking. You can be a total badass and literally have very little to do with it, LOL.

Today’s post is about making a whole chicken (marinated overnight in soyaki sauce from Trader Joe’s and 1 bottle home brewed Go Padres Prellar Porter) in the crockpot for an awesome weekend dinner. I hope you enjoy!


As indicated marinate your chicken overnight in either

a. your favorite marinade

b. your favorite dark beer

c. a combination of both!

Next day add assorted vegetables, onions, some fresh rosemary and more soyaki sauce on top.

crockpot chicken

Cook on HIGH for 2-3 hours, then reduce heat to low for another 3 hours.

* vegetables may be removed during cooking time depending on desired texture – the shorter you cook them, the crispier they’ll be.*

NOTE – the chicken can be tested for readiness with a meat thermometer inserted into the inner thigh (but not touching the bone) registers 165°F, and by cutting into the bird to assess pinkness.

STEP FOUR-Serve on platter and enjoy.

cooked chicken

(note where I cut into the chicken to make sure it wasn’t pink 🙂 )

  • Discard any excess juice from crockpot.

Probably the best part about this meal (apart from being able to walk away from a cooking dinner for hours on end, is that the chicken is so large there’s tons of left overs. The next day I shredded the chicken for enchiladas!)


  • SUSANNAH  cropped-child-photo.jpg


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30 Minute Dinner – BBQ Salmon in Pesto Sauce and Asparagus!

Hello Blogosphere!

Today’s post features a quick and easy dinner that is perfect for warm summer nights. In our house we’ve been trying to eat a bit healthier – which can often be boring. As a result I am constantly looking for new ideas/recipes/dishes that are healthy yet yummy. That’s where this dinner comes from.

ONE – FISH  – they say it’s better for you that hamburgers and pizza, sigh.

TWO – ASPARAGUS – what’s that about mom always telling you to eat your vegetables?

THREE- PESTO – because apparently drowning everything in butter is frowned upon.


Let’s get started-


  1. Salmon – 1 piece per person.
  2. Asparagus – handful/bunch per person – between 5-8 spears.
  3. Olive oil, salt and pepper.
  4. Pesto – store bought is fine but to make at home you’ll need- basil leaves (approximately 1 fist size bunch per person), pine nuts, olive oil, salt, pepper, parmesan cheese.


Turn on the BBQ- all BBQs very so be sure and know how long yours takes to heat up and budget accordingly. Prep on this meal is 5 minutes with store bought pesto and 20 with homemade.


Make the pesto (or skip to step three if using store bought.) In a food processor or blender combine the basil, olive oil, pine nuts and cheese and pulse until blended to desired texture. If the leaves will not blend add more olive oil or some (NOT A LOT) water. Add salt and pepper to taste.


Assembly! On a largish piece of tinfoil, place asparagus spears in a line/bunch. Drizzle with olive oil and a bit of salt and pepper. Place piece of fish over the asparagus.

(* I cooked mine salmon skin on. It’s not required. The fish will be tender enough to easily remove the skin when it’s done cooking.)

Spread the pesto on the fish. Sprinkle with cheese.



Close/wrap tinfoil to close. Don’t press down so hard that the pesto all crams onto the tinfoil and doesn’t stay on the fish.


Cook in closed BBQ for 25 minutes.


salmon 2

Delightful 🙂