Chicken is better when stuffed!

DINNER || Stuffed chicken, garlic and parmesan biscuits, and salad with olive oil and vinegar. 🍗🍞🧀🥗🍴

dinner complete

I didn’t take a lot of pictures of this one for the step-by-step instructions. Sorry! But I hope the directions are easy enough to follow because you should definitely try out this recipe. If you’re like me and trying to eat less red meat and less pork, you are getting kind of bored of chicken. Especially baked chicken! Which is no doubt healthier for you, especially when you don’t eat the skin, but it can often be dry and tasteless. I was really pleased with how this recipe turned out. The meat was nice and juicy and full of flavor. Hope you enjoy!


CHICKEN – boneless and skinless, slice open ( not all the way through) stuff with arugula, tomatoes, garlic, and muenster cheese. Baste in olive oil, oregano, salt, pepper, and garlic. Place in baking dish with white wine to cover the bottom. Bake for 40 mins @ 375°.


Buon Appetito! –SUSANNAH


INSTAGRAM – @sdgastronaut  instagramIcon_400x400

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