Hamburgers and Onion Rings and Fried Eggs, OH MY!

Hi Everyone!

So baseball is over, le sigh. But boy did it go out with a bang! I was SO excited to see a game 7 of the World Series! I personally was pulling for the Royals, but alas it was not in the cards. NONETHELESS, given how much we love baseball in this house I decided to make the evening extra special with a totally bomb dinner (that was anything but healthy!) So I knew I had a bunch of fresh herbs and I knew I had farm fresh eggs, but I also knew I didn’t want to make just a generic scramble. I also had some left over ciabatta that needed to be used. So out of this came the idea of making hamburgers topped with a fried egg, and while I was at it, I threw an onion ring on top! Hope you enjoy 🙂


Ingredients: eggs (1 for the meat, 1 additional egg per patty), rosemary, basil, garlic, salt, pepper, cumin, Worcestershire sauce, gorgonzola cheese, and ground beef.

Realistically what you put in your hamburger patties is up to you. I like to put these basic seasonings in mine and then throw in any other interesting item I have in the fridge. This time it was the gorgonzola cheese!

Step One – Mix all ingredients (only 1 egg) into a bowl.

(Dice the garlic, chop the basil, remove rosemary from the stems.)

all in a bowl

Step Two – Mix until all ingredients are absorbed into the meat.


Step Three – put in fridge for 30 minutes allowing the meat to marinate.

Step Four-  Onion Rings – So I am in no way skilled enough(yet!) to make my own onion rings. Instead I purchased mine at Trader Joe’s. These ones are pretty good for being store bought/ made in the oven and are really easy to make.

onion rings

Check the directions on the back of the bag and cook accordingly. If you choose to make your own (you adventurous little cooker you) just allot yourself enough time to do so.

Step Five – Time to make your patties. Now I’ve learned over the years that while my eyes think my tummy want a huge patty, my tummy disagrees. Likewise, I’ve found it’s difficult to cook a larger patty and it tends to fall apart on the grill, in the pan, etc. Here are mine:


This time I decided to make them in the pan on the stove. No particular reasoning here. I think this recipe would be just as delicious with BBQ burgers or George Foreman grilled burgers, maybe even more so.

Here’s an excellent site which gives pointers on various ways to cook a burger:

— Don’t forget to check on your onion rings while your burger is cooking —

Step Six – Slice your bread, prepare your buns, etc. I toasted the ciabatta to make the overall burger extra crunchy.


Steven Seven – When your burgers are all cooked, remove from pan and set aside. Do not remove pan from heat.

cooked patties

Step Eight – It’s time to cook your eggs! Using the same pan add a bit of olive oil and allow it to heat, careful to not heat it on too high to avoid splattering the oil and possibly burning yourself. You won’t need as much oil as usual because you have the left over hamburger grease/juices. It makes for a less sexy pan, but provides a very yummy egg! When the oil is ready, break the eggs into the pan, 1 egg per hamburger. (I only cooked 2 because I was only feeding 2 people and planned to use the extra burgers as left overs.)


Step Nine- When the whites have cooked enough, use a spatchula to flip the egg whites over the yolks to create a seal. Allow the egg to cook a bit longer and then flip the entire egg over to cook the other side. Careful not to break the yolk during this process. Once cooked, remove from the heat to avoid over cooking the yolk. The yolk should not be solid, and should remain “runny” at the center.

cooked eggs

** Full Disclosure – I only recently mastered this technique. My friend’s 7 year old daughter taught me, yes really, and I’ve been practicing ever since.  **

For more thorough step by step instructions on frying an egg, see this website:

Step Ten- Remove the onion rings from the oven and allow to cool slightly.

Step Eleven – Time to build your burger!

final product


I used some aioli mustard on the bread and a leaf of lettuce. My boyfriend had his with a slice of tomato as well. Be sure to break the yolk once the egg is on the bread to have it run all over your sandwich!


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